
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cornelia Parker

  • Breathless, 2001
  • Brass musical instruments, flattened

Basically, I think this is really neat to look at and think about. It is very visually stimulating, but I have mixed feelings about looking at all these musical instruments all smashed up. I'm hoping that they each had some kind of defect that made them unplayable because I used to be in bed, and by bed I mean band (I don't know why I accidentally wrote bed), and musical instruments hold a lot of value, monetarily and otherwise, in my opinion.
Thanks for smashing what is dear to my heart, dear Ms Parker. But you do have good eyes for aesthetically pleasing displays.

  • Perpetual Canon, 2004
  • Flattened brass band instruments suspended
  • Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View, 1991
  • A garden shed and contents blown up

  • I really like the idea of suspending objects relative to eachother in the air. And I really like this idea of suspending a moment of an action, such as something exploding.

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